Marinella Senatore, Bodies in Alliance 
Photo’s by Illias Teirlinck, Tim Buiting, Dieter Van Caneghem & Maxim LQ

Flying on the raven’s wing 

with Aline Bouvy, Rashid Johnson, Daan Gielis, Sonia Gomes,
Tarek Lakhrissi and Marinella Senatore

Horst Arts & Music
11.07 - 05.09.2021
Asiat Park, Vilvoorde 
Production coördinator: Margot Bossy 

Exhibition Folder 

Let’s get back close to each other.
Let’s allow our breaths to dance
with each other.

Let’s admit strangers near,
let’s get swallowed by the crowd.

Let’s awake from this long slumber, in
which our bodies were confined to physical
and mental frontiers. An impasse where
we could only connect with one another
through screen radiated portals, and
where we found ourselves replaced with
pixelated effigies.

It’s time to celebrate the raw fleshiness
of the body, overflowing with desires
and instincts; with fluids and scents;
with power and tenderness.

Dancing bodies.
Bodies in protest.
Tripping bodies.
Bodies making love.

Sonia Gomes, Maria Dos Anjos 
Photo’s by Illias Teirlinck and Matthijs van der Burg

Daan Gielis, Installation view
Photo’s by Illias Teirlinck and Matthijs van der Burg

Rashid Johsnon, The Hikers
Photo by Matthijs van der Burg

Aline Bouvy, Enclosure
Photo by Illias Teirlinck

Tarek Lahkrissi, Installation view
Photo’s by Illias Teirlinck and Matthijs van der Burg